Résumé de la conférence

We will discuss the policy challenges involving the transport of oil in North America. These challenges include the bottleneck problem that is costing Canadians many billions of dollars as we receive below-market rates for our oil exports, as well as the challenge of managing risk as pipeline construction is stalled and oil is moved from pipelines to railway and road transport.

Note biographique

Kenneth P. Green is Senior Director, Centre for Natural Resources at the Fraser Institute. He has studied environmental, energy, and natural resource policy for more than 20 years at think-tanks across North America including the Reason Foundation in Los Angeles; the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC; and previously at the Fraser Institute, where he ran the Centre for Risk, Regulation and the Environment.

A frequent commentator in North American print and broadcast media, Dr. Green has testified before several state and federal legislative bodies in the United States including committees and subcommittees of the House of Representatives and Senate. He twice reviewed reports for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and is also the author of two textbooks: Global Warming: Understanding the Debate, for middle-school students studying climate change, and Abundant Energy: The Fuel of Human Flourishing, for post-secondary studies in energy policy.

Dr. Green holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology from UCLA, a Master’s in Molecular Genetics from San Diego State University, and a Doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering, also from UCLA.

La présentation est disponible pour les membres, sur demande : apl75@cooptel.qc.ca

Principales activités de la saison 2024-2025

30 janvier 2025
Avec Gabriel Durany, Directeur Développement, Alliance de l'énergie de l'Est
13 mars 2025
Avec Stéphane Demers,
Président Directeur général, Recyclage Carbone Varennes
10 avril 2025
Déjeuner-causerie à confirmer
8 mai 2025
Avec Jean Roberge, Vice-président exécutif et Chef de la direction, Greenfield Global
5 juin ou 12 juin 2025
Dernière activité de la saison

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